Install tracking on ads

Set up Facebook ads

Go to your Facebook Ads Manager, and go to Ads tab.

Select all ads using the checkbox in the header and click on Edit ads. This will edit all ads, in bulk

Copy this code fbadid={{}}&fbadname={{}} and paste it in the URL parameters field

If you have other parameters, such as utm_campaign={{fb.campaign_name}}&source=facebook , merge them by adding &fbadid={{}}&fbadname={{}}

Don’t forget to save the new change

Next, make sure to integrate Facebook if you haven’t done that already!

Set up Google ads

Go to your Google Ads Manager, and go to Ads section.

Click on the Tools icon and click on Scripts ( under Bulk Actions ) and click on the plus icon to create a new script.

Copy the code below and paste in the new script

Don’t forget to name the script, for example “Atlass ad name generator” and click on save. Before navigating, make sure to click run.

Next, go to All campaigns, click on Settings button, then Account settings and open the tracking section.

Copy this code {lpurl}?gadid={creative}&gadname={_adname} and paste it in the Tracking Template field

Don’t forget to save the new change

Now, make sure to set up the Google Ads integration if you haven’t done that already.

Set up TikTok ads

Go to your TikTok Ads Manager, and go to Ads tab.

Select all ads using the checkbox in the header and click on Edit ads. This will edit all ads, in bulk

Add the following parameters to the URL of every add: ttadid=__CID__&ttadname=__CID_NAME__ 

Don’t forget to save the new change

Now, make sure to set up the TikTok integration, if you haven’t done that already

Set up Email Tracking

Go to your Email Service provider and edit the email templates in use.

Edit the CTA link within the body of the email

Add the tracking parameters to the existing link ?atl_campaign=%email.subject%

First make sure you change the %email.subject% , depending on your ESP.

For MailChimp, use he code below:


( More details here )

For ActiveCampaign, use he code below:


( More details here )

For Drip, use he code below:


For ConvertKit, use the code below:


For Klaviyo, use the code below:


For Aweber, use the code below:


For SendGrid, use the code below:


Don’t forget to save the new change

Install tracking script

Install the script general

Copy the script below and paste it as high as you can inside the <head></head> tag, on your website.

Don’t forget to submit the new change and publish it to the web.

Install tracking script on GTM

Log into your Google Tab Manager account, you can use this link.

The go to tags and create a new tag.

Choose the tag type as Custom HTML.

Copy the script below and paste it inside the HTML block and click save.

Don’t forget to submit the new change.

Install the pixel

Set up conversion pixel

Go to Setup -> Conversions and create a new conversion specifying the name and the price.

This will generate a conversion tag ( $conversion-tag )

Locate your thank you page and add the following script

Save and publish it to the web.

For adding dynamic conversions with name and price, add the following properties:

orderName: either order number ( Order 51522 ) or product name
orderPrice: either order price or product price