3 Mistakes People Make When Running Ads

On the surface, advertising looks easy and straightforward, right? Create the ad and post it. And that can work most of the times. You might get some prospects and eventually some sales. However, if you want to run successful campaigns and constantly improve and scale them, you’re gonna have a hard time. If you want […]

5 Mistakes That Are Killing Your Sales

What’s the first thing people do if they don’t get any sales? They go into ads manager and see why they don’t get sales and blame it on Facebook or their ads. However, in the majority of cases, the issue is not with the ads. Before we get to the ads, there are other key […]

7 Key Metrics at the Funnel Level

Clicks This shows what number of people that landed on your funnel or page. CVR –  Conversion Rate This is the biggest metric of the funnel, it shows what % of people have converted ( purchased a product, opt-ed in, signed up, whatever the goal is ). Standard and Goals: between 2-5% Speed load This […]

7 Key Metrics at the Ad Level

Oftentimes overlooked, understanding the key data points can be the difference between a struggling and a thriving online business. In order to understand these metrics, we first need to talk about tracking. Tracking is the most important part of running an online business successfully. Unfortunately, many people don’t realize how important tracking is. Once tracking […]

2 Things You Should Fix With Your Ads

Fix #1: Offer Having a proper offer can make the whole difference in effectively scaling your business. As with any effort in life, advertising takes time. You cannot simply create an ad and post it. Most businesses fail to understand that and don’t dedicate the necessary time to complete all required steps. So they target […]

Retarget your customers with SendGrid email automations

We all know that customers don’t always purchase a product or service from the first interaction. They usually need 7-8 interactions ( touchpoints ) to make a purchase. However, sometimes, they might need a little push in order to act. I’m gonna show you how to do that using email automations. How automation rules work? […]

Metrics explained

We’re going to talk about some key metrics that are directly tied to your company’s growth. I’ll define each and show you how we calculate them.  Active Customers Active customers are users that are paying to use your product or service. Where the revenue comes form. Why is this metric important? Separating the active customers […]

Tracking parameters and UTMs explained

What are URL parameters? There are 4 key components that form a URL: the scheme ( https ), a host ( the domain ), a path ( /category/product ) and a query string. We are going to focus on the last one. A query string is a serie of parameters used to track information on […]

A Guide to Cold Emailing

Be honest: How many times have you got a cold email and you sent straight to your spam folder? Maybe the value proposition was buried too deep in the email body or not present at all. This reaction to cold email happens all the time. The very best cold emails share some common traits. I […]