The OpenCart integration will sync all sales instantly and our algorithm will analyze and attribute those sales to the relevant ad.

So let’s plug it in.

First, download our OpenCart extension from the link below.

Head over to your OpenCart admin, go to Extensions -> Installed and upload the file. After it was uploaded, head over to Extensions -> Extensions and choose Modules from the Choose Extension Type filter.

You should see the Atlass Integration listed there. Click on the + icon to install the extension.

After it was installed, click on the pencil icon to edit it.

Next, from your Atlass account, go to the Integrations page, click on OpenCart and then on Add New Integration.

Add your store’s URL, ( ) and click Save.

Once the integration is successful, you should see 2 keys generated, the App Key and the Hash Key.

Copy both keys in your OpenCart newly created Module. You can also change the tag ( this tag will be applied to all sales from OpenCart, which will help segment the customers when having multiple stores for example ).

Now, go back to the integration and configure the statues. Since OpenCart has the option to add custom statuses for orders, we need to configure them to they align with your imported sales.

That’s it, integration should be done now.