Set up Facebook ads

Go to your Facebook Ads Manager, and go to Ads tab. Select all ads using the checkbox in the header and click on Edit ads. This will edit all ads, in bulk Copy this code fbadid={{}}&fbadname={{}} and paste it in the URL parameters field If you have other parameters, such as utm_campaign={{fb.campaign_name}}&source=facebook , merge them […]

Set up Google ads

Go to your Google Ads Manager, and go to Ads section. Click on the Tools icon and click on Scripts ( under Bulk Actions ) and click on the plus icon to create a new script. Copy the code below and paste in the new script Don’t forget to name the script, for example “Atlass […]

Set up TikTok ads

Go to your TikTok Ads Manager, and go to Ads tab. Select all ads using the checkbox in the header and click on Edit ads. This will edit all ads, in bulk Add the following parameters to the URL of every add: ttadid=__CID__&ttadname=__CID_NAME__  Don’t forget to save the new change Now, make sure to set […]

Set up Email Tracking

Go to your Email Service provider and edit the email templates in use. Edit the CTA link within the body of the email Add the tracking parameters to the existing link ?atl_campaign=%email.subject% First make sure you change the %email.subject% , depending on your ESP. For MailChimp, use he code below: ( More details here ) […]

Set up tracking for other traffic

Go to your admin panel for setting up the campaigns, depending on the platform and edit the link. Add the tracking parameters to the existing link ?atl_campaign=Name-of-the-campaign, where Name-of-the-campaign should be changed with the actual name of the campaign or source. For example, for Instagram bio link: Another example for an organic post on Facebook […]

Set up a watcher

What is a watcher? A watcher is a feature inside Atlass that allows you to tag your traffic based on a dynamic value of a URL tracking parameter. For example, if you set up a watcher for the utm_campaign parameter, when someone clicks on a link with …&utm_campaing=Example-campaign, he will be tagged with @Example-campaign. How […]