
This shows what number of people that landed on your funnel or page.

CVR –  Conversion Rate

This is the biggest metric of the funnel, it shows what % of people have converted ( purchased a product, opt-ed in, signed up, whatever the goal is ).

Standard and Goals: between 2-5%

Speed load

This shows how much it takes for your page to load and it needs to be tested for both desktop and mobile, as mobile is usually slower.

Standard and Goals: between 4 – 6s

Exit Rate

This shows what % of people quit on the cart page. About 90% of people quit there so this needs to be taken very seriously.

Standard and Goals: between 80% – 90%

Upsell Take Rate

This shows the % of people that purchased your upsells, the products or services you sell for customers that recently bought.

Standard and Goals: between 20 – 30%

AOV – Average Order Value 

One of the most important metrics for scaling, it shows you on average per 100 people, how many buy the frontend product and the upsells.

Standard and Goals: 2x the frontend offer

LTV – Lifetime Value

One of the most important metrics for scaling, is an estimate of the average revenue a customer will generate throughout their lifespan. This is a very important metric for scaling and running a successful business.

When you have all the data at your disposal, you can then look for weaknesses and try to optimize them.