What’s the first thing people do if they don’t get any sales? They go into ads manager and see why they don’t get sales and blame it on Facebook or their ads.

However, in the majority of cases, the issue is not with the ads. Before we get to the ads, there are other key elements most business are missing.

Let’s address them now. First mistake people make is that they

Lack the proper offer

If you want to have a successful business, you need to have an irresistible offer, an offer your prospects can’t refuse.

This is like your foundation, you cannot build something without having a solid foundation, otherwise it will crumble. Take a house for example, you cannot build one on a bad foundation.

Business wise, an offer is a strategic structuring of your products or services where the value of your offer exceeds the cost to access it. It needs to be solving one of your client’s most pressing issues.

So if you don’t have that dialed in, it’s a good time to do that before turning off your ads.

Another mistake people make is …

Not knowing your avatar

If you don’t know your audience and your avatar, everything you do is either gonna fail or is suboptimal. Everything has to resonate with your audience.

What is an avatar? It’s a detailed profile description of your perfect, ideal customer. It’s not a segmentation of people into groups, it’s more focused on one person and outlines everything about him. It contains a greater depth than a regular persona.

You can have more than one avatar when you are crafting your offer.

Knowing your avatar can help you sell your products or service more effectively cause you will be focusing on their pain points.

Knowing your avatar will have huge impact when launching your ads, cause you will have the audience research done.

Another mistake people make is …

Trying to sell to everybody

This is closely related to the avatar we spoke above. You won’t be able to sell you services or products to everybody, in the same manner.

That’s why you should have your offer crafted for each avatar, focusing on their specific pain points.

When the avatar reads your offer, it has to resonate with them. They need to say, “Hey, that’s 100% me”.

Take a piece of paper and write down your perfect customers, then write everything you know about them: demographics, psychographics, dreams, goals, challenges, pains, everything.

Every detail is important. For example, knowing where they shop can give you insights on how to craft the offer to convert them.

Another mistake people make is …

Selling product features

I know, I’ve been there. I though the key to selling something is listing all the features of the product or service I’m offering.

…I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Instead, focus on your avatar’s benefits: how you can improve their system or life if they buy your product or service.

You already wrote down the pain points for each avatar, now just flip them and turn them into benefits.

Finally, another sales killer is the …

Lack of proper checkout

Most people think that buyers are ready to purchase as soon as they click the “buy now” button. But in reality, buyers are still looking for reasons not to buy. They’re wondering if they can trust you or if they are making the right decision buying.

Around 90% of buyers abandon the cart. That’s a huge percentage. Think about it, literally only 10% finish the checkout and buy. Just by lowering that rate with 10% will double your conversions and revenue.

So make sure to optimize your checkout page to double your revenue. You can do so by making it very easy for them to buy.

Use one-page checkouts that are easy to fill out and don’t request extra information that you are not going to use.

Also, use order bumps and upsells to increase your AOV ( Average Order Value ).

So now you understand why lacking the proper offer can have a great impact on your sales as well as the performance of your ads. You can have great ad copy and creatives, but the issue might be somewhere else.

Hope this will help you optimize and improve your funnels before losing money on ads or shutting them down.