Fix #1: Offer

Having a proper offer can make the whole difference in effectively scaling your business.

As with any effort in life, advertising takes time. You cannot simply create an ad and post it.

Most businesses fail to understand that and don’t dedicate the necessary time to complete all required steps. So they target the wrong audience, run ineffective ads and fail to track the response to their campaigns.

So make sure to take the time necessary to:

  • craft your offer so it’s compliant to ads manager
  • identify your avatars and use them as target audiences
  • create ad copy that covers key pain points and benefits
  • include a strong CTA and make sure it’s tracked
  • test multiple variations until you find a winner

After you crafter your proper offer and tweaked it so it’s compliant with Facebook, next make sure tracking is set in place.

Fix #2: Tracking

Tracking is the most important part of running ads successfully.

Unfortunately, many businesses don’t realize how important tracking is. The result is running a paid campaign without knowing if their ads are having an impact on their business or not.

Without tracking, you are literally running ads blindfolded. You need to know which ads or campaigns are performing better in order to scale your business.

The most common way to track the ads is using UTM parameters, but you also need a system in place. And you should not be relying solely on Facebook or Google pixels.

Top marketers are using dedicated tracking software to analyze their ads so they make data-driven decisions. Some use multiple systems, but they all have something in common: accurate conversion attribution.

At Atlass, our system accurately tracks the conversion to the correct ad and provides custom metric reports, so you can focus on optimization.

Running ads is a constant optimization process. You need to constantly test different variations of the offer, ad copy, creatives, audience as well as price and see which one performs best.